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Colorful Bird

About the Gene Time Machine

Ever since I started studying Evolution, I have been reminded through casual conversations with people outside science that this truly fascinating subject is a mystery for many. I noticed that people often refrain themselves from asking questions when the topic arises, maybe because they're afraid of appearing ignorant or just don't really know what to imagine with the words "Evolutionary Biology". 

The Gene Time Machine is my modest contribution to spread knowledge on and awaken interest in the process that shaped the world that surrounds us. The more one digs into the intricacies of evolution, the more one will understand and value the wonder that our world is. Yet, these are things that are rarely discussed at the dinner table, despite their overwhelming importance. With monthly articles encompassing the vast diversity of topics in Evolutionary Biology, the Gene Time Machine highlights the marvels of the natural world and the research done by thousands of passionate people around the world to understand the history, and also the future, of nature. 

Banana Plant

About the Author

I am a young evolutionary biologist, mesmerized by the limitless capacity of nature to repeatedly adapt to new and changing environments, which has brought forth the astonishing biodiversity we witness today. Already in my childhood, I was fascinated by plants and animals, which later on transformed into a passion for science. I did my Bachelor's in Biology at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and specialised in Evolutionary Biology during my Master's in the MEME Erasmus Mundus Programme at the Rijksunversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands), the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität (Germany) and the University of Montpellier (France). Within my field, I am interested in the processes that underly the formation of new species and the adaptation of existing species to changes in their environment. Generally, I want to know all about the million-year history that shaped nature as we perceive it today and is still continuously transforming it into new, marvelous forms.

Orange Butterfly 2
Tropical Flower
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